What is the safest and most effective hair removal procedure?

Removing unwanted hair can save us from hassle and embarrassment. Dr. Peter Vignjevic’s  dermatology office in Hamilton, Ontario offers save and effective laser hair removal using LightSheer laser technology.
Here’s some things to know:
LightSheer is a strong light absorbed by the colour of the hair to be removed. This causes the hair to fall out and prevents re-growth.
The LightSheer Diode laser is recognised to be the most effective laser for hair removal.
Almost any area can be treated.
Laser does not work for blonde or white hair.
5 laser treatments reduce hairs by 75-95%.
Laser is less painful than electrolysis for most people.
Treatments are done every 4 to 12 weeks depending on the treated area.
There is a small risk of increased or decreased skin pigmentation which is nearly always reversible.
This procedure is not covered by OHIP.
If laser hair removal sounds like a great option for you, please contact Dr. Peter Vignjevic’s dermatology office for a free consultation 905-549-1025.